Sunday, 6 January 2019

96.5kg keep it coming

ok so thats nearly 3kg since the Fatman incident.... portion control and a bit more mobility but not much in the way of real cardio, aside form fast walks with the dog, who hates fast walks and insists on stopping to sniff, every, single, leaf to test if its worth droping 2 drops of piss on it.

I'm not at all getting used to being hungry, but I just have to keep in mind the 99.2kg

but ok, so far so, good, I am sometimes breaking the rules,  especially in the evenings,with a biscuit or cheese and crackers,  but overall smaller portions, and carrots for snacks is starting to pay off.

Once I get down to 90 I'll up the cardio a bit more and see if we can accelerate things a bit.


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