Friday 19 April 2024

New book is a go...

I say new, but really its a 2nd edition updated... but even so its a nice thing, a chance to fix some of the errors of the 1st, and make it a slightly broader appeal for new coders.

I'm quite excited about this.. I will try to not spend too much time on it though since I only need to revise content, not write new content, I still want my Empirs project to get finished this year.

I'll hopefully manage to get the main content done quite quickly but updating the code for Raspberry and PC builds will be the main time killer. If I can nail the core Empires content by Summer as I hope, I will be able to then focus on doing some nice simple Pi4 versions of the Pi3 content I did before.



Wednesday 17 April 2024

t'is the season to be ill


Another monumental cold...and its wonderfull accompanying cough

I really need to get out of this cold wet climate... as I get older I get more and more caught into this cycle of colds and flus, with only brief summers of release.. I am tired of it.. I really want to make that move to Thailand, but can't live for 7 years on savings/house residuals....have to wait.

2530somthing days to retirement..........unless someone wants to donate 100K into my pension pot?


Monday 1 April 2024

It came back, then went away then switched ears

yeah its a bit of a nasty one this, it came back, the earache, though not as bad, but enough to pop a paracetamol before bed.
Then of couse as I was about to make a call to the docs, it went away, then came back in the other ear... just before easter.. so no point in making a call..

now its gone.

so....... what... do I call the doc, or wait till it hurts again.

Getting old sucks
