Friday 13 September 2024

tip that balance

Stepping on the scales this morning, I very very briefly saw a 92 flash on the LCD display as the scales settled... on 93.0 but its still only Friday, weekend starts tomorrow... doesn't it? It will be nice to step down another digit towards the 80's.

Our trip to Thailand this year is in 4 weeks time, so I'm fairly confident I'll be below the 90's by then. Which for very practical reasons, not just fuel economy of the overloaded aircraft, will make life there a bit easier. 
It's a wee bit warm there... and fat old sweaty pale scottish people, can get a bit tired moving around too much in that heat, we want to have a good mooch around the place this time.

Mostly though I'll be sat on my touche, doing final edits on my book, especially when Jirawan is off with her son to go visit family. I will go on a few trips with her,  of course, but I'm determined this trip, not to spend it in the back of a car driving around! So we've rented a house for 3 weeks to let us settle in one place and explore, to get a taste for living in Chiang Mai. We'll also squeeze in a few days in Hua Hin to get a feel for that place too, which should help us decide where to target our retirement plans. Both have pros and cons but we need to experience them.

When not editing, I might even try and catch up on my now sadly neglected Language lessons... I found memorising some of the words and phrases just a bit too hard and started to fall away from the pace of 1 lesson a day. I still have all the lessons though so I can pick them up at my own pace.


Tuesday 10 September 2024

No harm done..

Yeah I did pig out a bit on Saturday and yeah it did dump on a few grams back above 94, but... a very hungry and busy, Monday and we're down to 93.3kg, not sure I could tolorate an even hungrier Tuesday but, I'll do my best and see what happens tomorrow as long as I can squeeze in a bike ride and a bit of light excerise every day I should see 92 by.....

Curry night was a spectacular success though, had a great night.

Also the models are selling online really well, the retirement fund is getting some nice boosts there.

The big sell off gathers pace. Ideally we want to clear out all the stuff we can't take to Thailand with us and make something on it, so yea thats guitars, music gear, models, even the SBC's and old computer gear, I no longer need... time to clear them out, a tenner each for the old SBC's will generate a fair amount.. Pity I can't really use anymore, Brexit now adds too many costs to smaller items, but we'll see if produces some interest...fucking brexit, the dumbest thing ever... 


Saturday 7 September 2024

Goodbye 94 but see you tomorrow

And the wall got smashed, mainly while being a little too often in the loo.. but thats what happens.. Finally got down to 93.7. There's no way in hell that will stick as I have a curry buffet happening tonight, and even if I  can resist the tempting things I  am cooking, I still have to taste and graze while I cook.

So see you again tomorrow 94... but I know you can be beatern... watch out


Thursday 5 September 2024

another wall?

Despite keeping up with the low calories and now including much more cycling, I can't seem to break 94Kg, popping back over 95kg from time to time.... I wish the weight loss was a lot more consistant.. But its clearly levelling out now and I have to work a lot harder to get down below the 94 and keep heading to that 1st target of 80kg (after that I'll see if 75kg is viable)

But, all I can do is keep at it, my determination is strong, my will power is....well not quite as strong, but I am only cheating some nights with protein rather than calories.. 

Got a curry night with friends coming on Saturday, so expect to be a bloated whale again on Sunday... and then we start again..
