Thursday 8 February 2018

More software woes

Fortunately not on the colecovision though, finally I am able to get a few things done on that again, no more missing sprites, its bliss.

And I have been able to do quite a lot due to the fact have had to spend soooo much time installing new software to try to add Android builds to my SBC content....hours and hours spend downloading data. SDK's , tools, platforms etc..but nothing works...what an utter utter waste of time.

Even at the height of the coleco bug, I don't think I have come so close to buying a gun and heading to google HQ...what an utter pile of shit the android dev tools are..I am just too mad to even attempt to try again.

I'm off to warmer climes for a week, escaping the sub zero temps and carnival madness of NL for a week.

I'll take a laptop though, and try to do some more coleco work on the plane.


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