Thursday 16 June 2022

Normal service has been disrupted

Im in hospital....I had some issues over the weekend where my bowels basically shut down, and by Monday I was in some degree of discomfort, and by Tuesday I wasn't farting with confidence, in fact I wasn't farting at all,...0 flatulance, life and games can't exist without flatulance.

Anyway, comedy aside I had some issues resulting in some astonishing levels of discomfort and pain and after a strong telling off from Jirawan I called the doctor who made a same day appointment, and said exactly the same as Jirawan when examining me... Not normal... My bowels that is, the rest of me is prime.

She sent me directly to hospital, not passing go,  where they did some more tests and it was decided to keep me in.

This is all a bit worrying and considering the number of surgeons who were poking and proding me it was clear they were prepping for something, but after a CT scan it was decided that there's no cancer/tumours or signs of obstruction which would need emergency surgery. 

There's an infection in my bowls almost certainly caused by diverticulitis, an unpleasent complaint which in itself isn't life threatening but can have knock on implications.

So they are keeping me in for a few days to monitor the infection, and make sure it does not get worse which might mean surgical intervention, also to do a few more tests to check things that are not obvious on scans. A colonsopy is on the cards soon...that will be fun.

Im ok in myself, yesterday was rough getting prodded and stabbed and having things down my trhoat and up my ass, but the pain levels have dropped due to IV painkillers (surprisingly only paracetamol but effective) but they won't feed me in case surgery is needed. I didn't sleep well with various iv alarms going off like a snooze button so am tired, but in much less pain.
So if nothing else Im going to lose a few Kilos while here, which isn't a bad thing.


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