Saturday 16 July 2022

Uncle Max RIP

Sad to hear yesterday that my uncle Max passed away. He and Ann, my mothers sister, were the cool auntie and uncle when I was growing up. I used to vist them often in their apartment in Livingston, on the way or coming back from visiting my first real girlfriend  when I was 16, who lived near them.

There's a picture my mum has of my parents and 2 brothers, its probably the last picture we ever took of all of us as a family, when I was around 13. It was taken at Ann and Max's wedding. 45 years ago. Thats pretty amazing. They were a loving and fun couple and I always enjoyed spending time with them and their pets.
I remember one time I didn't have enough bus fare to get home from my g/f 's and Max had offered, perhaps jokingly to let me borrow his bike to get home. I happily took up this offer and cycled the 15 miles or so from Livingston to Fauldhouse. I took me hours. When I brought the bike back some days later, Max was confused why it took me so long to cover such a short distance (in his view)... I had done the whole journey in 1st gear.. I learned about cycle gears that day :D Max found it hysterical.

Like many of my relatives I lost touch with them when I left Scotland, and they in turn made a decision to start a new life in Canada so we never really reconnected.  I know they made a good life for themselves and enjoyed their time becoming commited Canadians.

I'll raise a glass to happy memories of Max, and sending my condolances to Ann. 

RIP uncle Max.


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