Tuesday 8 November 2022

Honey mooooon

Yes, I am on honeymoon, with my wonderful wife, of 2 years... we were not able to get away during the whole covid thing so we took the chance to extend my autumn holiday and spend some time in Thailand 

In part to spend time together but also for her to catch up with friends and family and show me off as the eye candy I am...stop sniggering....By Thai standards, Im quite a catch.  And boy has she been catching up with her friends, she's missed them and they missed her. Its good that she wants to show me off to friends.. I plan to do the same when I finally get the chance to take her to the UK,  uk visa's not withstanding...

Thailand is wonderufl, just wonderful, its so varied and different in the north and south, and Bangkok is crazy, but for sure this is a place we will probably find ourselves living out our old age. Time to start making plans about where, what and how we retire. Its a country of contrast, modern in parts, rural and  backward in others  but very very wonderful.
So many new things to do and try while here, but I have resited eating insects.
The only thing I don't plan to do again ever, is ride a scooter in a city traffic system... I have never been scared on a bike before,...this was the 1st and last time I ever try that..

Anyway.. one more day, we'll spend being tourists in Bangkok and doing a bit of shopping, my collegues at work have been good to cover for me while I've been sunning myself here, so I need to find incredibly cheap but meaningful gifts for them :D


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