Thursday 16 March 2023

Life is good but stil fat

Been a while, how's things? good?

Mum's finally moved to her new apartment, so hoping to see her soon, we got a 6 month visa from the UK so Jirawan and I can travel together, and then see what can be done to extend that. We'll see mum and sprogs in April. Looking forward to that.

Diet is still honestly ongoing, a few minor lapses, but very much focused on less eating, but having very little effect on weight, only a few kilos dropped...  I guess when things get warmer and I can come to work on my bike (not the 1100c, the pedal) I might start to drop a bit more..

I've also decided to take some steps to reduce some of my work load.. As the Y1 lead I had a lot of minor but time consuming tasks, and some stress that came with them, but taking stock of things I decided to step back from it.. At the end of the block I can go back to being the grumpy old teacher in the corner.... and already Im happy about that... Less stess means more time to have fun at home so quite enjoying the prospect of that.

Nothng much else to report, Dutch weather is proving to be bizzare but in a few more weeks we should start to see more sun and it'll be time to get the Shadow out from under the covers for some trips.


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