Friday 2 August 2024

when was it?

I had a look back in this blog history just now to try to locate the last time I was on a mega diet.... and there's been a few of them... But one that stood out was 2012 when I was......89kg..  wow, so I've been over 90kg more or less since then.. I hovered around that weight for a while before giving in and growing to the ballon I was/am/tryingnottobe.

Todays amazing 95.9  has me continuing a rapid drop, caused by extreme fasting... of only 1 low cal meal per day... which will see me heading back to that sub 80 level again in a month or so...

12 years though... eek and I considered that heavy at the time... 

this pic was 11 years ago so you can see where I was..

Well I got the bicyle tyers pumped up and ready and am going to cycle a bit today and get back into doing that to get around short distances... a mild bit of excercise but exercise none the less.


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