Wednesday 12 December 2018

Another book?

hmm a publisher got in touch to ask me to write another book, not the same publisher and not the same topic.

Very interesting, I'll give it some thought, I am still really working on the 1st one though making sure the website is fully working and supporting readers, so need to consider if I have the time to do it

I am planning to collate the 12 monthly tuts I wrote into a book/pdf download though so maybe once I've done that I'll consider it.

But still :D a publisher got in touch, has a nice ring to it.

Edit... not going to do it, they sent a list of topics they wanted coverered in only 6/7 months...just not viable, I passed. I might try to write a few things down about the basics of AI though and see if I can collate it into an introduction book on the subject without all the buzzword bingo that is associated with AI.  First expand the articles though


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