Saturday 2 February 2019

95.8 And all's well

So far so good, the continued small portions and occasional salad at work are having the desired effect.

today is going to be an excercise day...well i say excercise, what I really mean is clean up the attic and office day. Considerably more energetic than anything I'd ever do in a gym.

Going to have a bit of a clear out (no really), time to sell off some of my of music gear I'm not using, still reluctant to get rid of any guitars, even the crap ones, but got lots of gadgets I don't use as I am trying hard to simplify my equipment.

also seriously considering getting rid of my Traps Drums, as much as I love them, I just don't play them any more, and they are a massive space claimer upstairs.... hmmm maybe when I finish cleaning up I'll have a change of heart and do a bit more playing.


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