Wednesday 24 July 2019

oh this is not normal

Its easy to blame global warming  for the current heatwave...but it is.. global warming

jeeze its hot, it hit 38 today, I have to stop work at 11/12 and hide in the attic for hours till things cool, down, the air con is amazing but very loud. 

My Office PC has died on me once due to overheating, and right now has its fans on full blow, so its going to pop again any second. There's not much I can do about it in the office, the air is too warm, in too small a space, and there's no way to cool it even with an evap cooler and fan blowing in chilled air.

As a stop gap, I've cleared my desk upstairs and now have my laptop and a monitor/keyboard set up so I can work up there, its not ideal, my laptop is more powerful than my PC but it can't run my oculus until I get a decent USB bus on it, but at least I can escape the heat and do a bit of work on some things.

I will probably buy a 2nd gaming spec PC and set it up there, if nothing else I can play games on my big screen but it will also be a decent 2nd workstation. Cost is a factor though I don't play many games at all, but need a min spec, will have to see what I can find on ebay.

I don't really want to work up there though, its very much a play room, so any work done is only because the air con allows progress.

Its a good job I've been clearing the attic out, making space for me to watch movies and play in the cool, even if it is noisy.

The heatwave will hopefully break soon...just waiting to hear the thunder.


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