Friday 12 June 2020

get rid of wires

I hate cables. really hate...they get tangled they are heavy to carry around, they trip you up, they wear out...oh so many reasons to hate them...

So am working hard to make my FBR acoustic set up wireless aside from the connection to an amp, the goal is no power cables (so battery/packs) and wifi systems.

I've got a decent, though little old guitar wireless system, which are a pair of old joyo rechargabe wifi units, they actually work pretty well when fully charged up. They probably need an upgrade as the batteries are probably on the way out... I also have a wireless mic, but it needs a powered receiver (and cable..grr) So been looking for a new option.

Today I took delivery of
Nux B4 wireless microphone system, which are rechargable ... I'm very excited about these as mic cables are the biggest pain.

Currently they are on charge so I can test them out, I've learned from past experience trying to test things that don't have a full charge can be quite annoying.

So...tell you in about 8 hours if they are a good buy or not. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

edit...they are fantastic,, and I got a set of Harley Benton guitar wifi connecdtions and now am fully wireless... Brillian.t 4 hour rehearsals managed just fine, so a 1.5 hour gig will be no problem,. Though I'll always carry the cables in the gig box as a back up, this is the future :D
The only fly in the ointment is powering my voicelive3, I have a heafty powerbank that does provide power, but occasional drops in ampage result in its not perfect yet.


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