Saturday 28 November 2020

Getting my Coding mojo back a bit

Trying to get things going again after a bit of burn out, I've only been working on the very slow progressing Coleco project and fixing students bugs which has given me no time to work on a personal project I want to start.

But I have to prep a new project for my block C students and been tinkering about with the Rpi4 and Jetson... 2 very interesting machines for different reasons

I've got a startup project running on both, just ready to start adding some proper content..Its not much to look at but it shows my implimetation of DearImGui in place, some basic OpenGLES2.0 set up, and though not clear here,  both RakNet and Screen Res changes in place, all operating at 60fps. Also Bullet physics and OpenAL so this is a good starting framework I can build on.

Not too bad.... but lots more content to add
Really want to get the Coleco out the way though, only been able to spend an odd hour or so on it, with occasional bursts during holidays. Its damn close now, such a shame to take so long on such a small project but its so much harder than it looks..

This silly thing looks like a lot of work but its only a few minutes to get things set up,which is why I really don't see me getting into retro gaming, weeks of work for little reward, compared to minutes for a lot.

ah well


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