Thursday 17 December 2020

Lighting done

So this is basically what I've been messing with, its not by any means new or revolutionary, in fact its pretty standard in most games and a little outdated. But I'm planning something on the Raspberry... which is capable of things like this quite easily, but not quickly.

The intenton now is to develop a few performance concepts that will let me use this lighitng model but at a much increased performance.. So that I can fill a Rasp3/4 with models and when appropriate, light them and make them look decent..
this particular model is probably not going to make it in a game, its too complex, but it does put the Raspberry at  its limit using a standard system. meaning I can measure improvements in terms of FPS, which lets me exeriment with a few ideas I have.

You can't really do this kind of researh with a PC, unless you draw 100's of these on screen, which also causes other things to come into play, so this is a really good use of a Raspberry's lack of power.

Oh and its damn pretty :D


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