Tuesday 29 December 2020

new 'puter in place

Well not that new really, I decided to make use of the upstairs games system, its still an older model system, but newer than the beast, and significantly quieter making for a nicer working situation, the old beast was churning out fan noise at an alarming rate and I'm sure its responsible for my Tinitus..

I don't like switching machines though, there's an inherrent loss of content you have to deal with, and at some point you find you need an app or a file that is just not there any more..its a pain..

But the old machine is still usable and I will set it up to be a back up, upstairs, then transfer all its many gig of files going back years and years....and years... and then see what I can do to recycle some of its good bits. Its still a nice machine despite its age, it has a good graphics card in place. But the noise is too much now, I might try to put its guts into an old silent case I have in the shed, if the PSU is compatable. But for now, its new pc in place. Which is sooooo much quieter.


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