Saturday 28 December 2019

Ahhh thats better

Well the chair got worse and worse as I was using it, leaning further and further back in the seat as the washers bedded in, which is not good when you are in a forward facing typing position. After only a few minutes use I had massive pain and was disrtacted when working by the need to go walk it off every 20 mins or so..

The idea with the washers didn't work, or didn't work well enough to correct the base back tilt so a more dramatic reversing of the main fitting was called for, at 1st I feared this would not work as the chairs raise/lower/tilt/lock bar was directly in line with the recliner spring arm.. But after taking off the base and trying it, backward, it did just clear the spring arm, so they don't interfere.

Built up again and yes, the base of the chair now points a bit forward exactly as it should.. Its still not the most comfortable of chairs, there's just not enough padding in the seat really but at least its not killing my back just sitting it in, and the massage feature is still pretty cool.

I'll probably swap my main office chair into the office again and move this up to the vr/gamesystem in the attic.

But the chair is at least now usable for slightly longer than 20 mins at a time.


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