Friday 13 December 2019

Exit polls don't look good.

I can't stay up to watch this, but I may not sleep worrying about it. It is just incredible that one of the most incompetant and self serving governments in history looks like its going to be voted back in to implement one of the most damaging polticial acts in history and in the process risk the very foundations of a country that deserves much better..

Ranting won't change it, people don't vote for good reasons any more, they vote for causes, and for preferences regardless of the facts behind them. 
I will wake up tomorrow knowing that all hope for the UK is lost for at least 5 years...and all hope to stop brexit (though it will rumble much longer than Boris wants it to) is lost.

A collegue of mine posted this on FB, an astonishing list of this Tory goverments failures which somehow it claims its going to put right shaking a magic money tree, that if it does exist is going to be half dead after brexit..

The national debt has risen from £850bn to £2.25 trillion
The student nurse bursary was abolished and there are 43,000 unfilled NHS student nurses.
There are 21,000 fewer front-line police
There are 20,000 fewer prison officers
There are 10,000 fewer border officials
There are 10,000 fewer firefighters
36,000 teachers have left the profession
Food bank use is up 2,400%
Homelessness is up 1,000%
More than one in three children in the UK live in poverty – more than 4 million.
Student fees up 300%
780 libraries closed
25-30% cuts to all govt departments
50% increase in hate crimes
150% increase in knife crime to 22,000 per year
ZERO starter homes built, despite it being a Tory flagship programme.

The country really did deserve bettter, yet it opted for more of the same...its wrong to call people stupid, but I don't have another word that fits..

Time to become Dutch...


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