Monday 2 December 2019

Start again.....

Well with all the personal shit going on, my diet went for a burton, no amount of dieting is going to survive a bottle of rum a week as well as the wine, and other things....oh and cake..lots of cake

I have to get back into it, it was working really well before I fell off the wagon and started comfort eating/drinking...Shocking how quickly you can put 5 kg back on.

So back to it, a variation on the 16:8 system with a sub 1500 cal intake cut back on the booze and more walking/cycling daily.

Also need to get back into coding again, its been really hard to focus my mind on what I have to do, as soon as I stop, my thoughts wander and the procrastination kicks making a blog entry :D..Time to get my shit together and be a lean mean coding machine. I have things to finish and decks to clear so I can have a chance at balancing work/life again in 2020.


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