Monday 14 January 2019

96.1kg but bouncing a bit

I think the body is settling into a clear out now, and its finally starting to drop the fat rather than lose water/crap  I hit 96.1 mid week but it has been bouncing around abit between 96.1 and 96.5 so very much depending on what I eat.

So having basically cleared out and got my metabolism to settle down its now time to up the activity levels and do some...gulp, excercise...

My gym membership seems to have lapsed but thats ok I still hate gyms with a passion, such soulless dull places, I hate the time wasted to go there, the time wasted to do the actual work, the boring and crappy act of exercise and the time to get home and stuff doughnuts in my face. uggg..

I will simply do some more hard walking and try to do a few sit ups and who am I kidding.. I just need to try to be more active and continue to eat less on as many days as possible. I do have lapses but overall its working out.


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