Sunday 23 June 2024

Keep it going.

Midway through a 2nd weekend of near starvation fasting, but gotta say it's working well. This morning I was 101.8kg .. I can see me breaking 100 by the end of the week as long as I stay away from booze, and delicious tasty Thai pork dishes that keep getting wafted under my nose at 11pm.

Only succumbed once and starved myself the next day...Yes I know starving is a bit extreme, but honestly its all relative, I'm cutting myself back to ~1000 Kcal a day and ~500 at weekends, which is more than enough to live on, just my body is upset at the lack of 3000Kcal with occasional booze that its been storing away for years in fat. Essentially 2 small meals on weekdays, 1 small meal at weekend.. no snacks, no food after 8pm. I won't fade away. My body will stop complaining in a week or 2.

Realistically if I want to hit a target of <80kg in under a year, this is how to do it, the current fast drop will level out as my body gets used to the reduction in calories so I can see me losing 10kg pretty quick, but that extra 10kg will need a bit more effort.... time to get the bicycle out again..


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