Monday 10 June 2024

Sheila Guild 21.5.41 - 9.6.24

Mum put up quite a fight, I'm sure I saw her fade out and then force herself back more than a few times, Death asked for a kiss and she said bugger off..

But in the end it was a battle she was never going to win and despite my Brother and I sitting vigil for over a month, she decided to go while I popped out of the room for 2 mins to get a coffee... I am sure she did that to just be contrary.

She had a long life, it wasn't always good, lots of strife and no small amount of abuse and betrayal from the men in her life but in her old age she grew into the paramount grumpy old woman, taking no shit from anyone...even if it wasn't always needed to put up a fight.

She was always there for me, always willing to give her honest and often critical opinion on things I had trouble coping with. I didn't always listen, but her advice was always there as was her love.

I am going to miss her so much.


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