Sunday 16 June 2024

Lets try this again...

One thing my mum did talk about at length when she was pretty lucid, was the size of my belly.... gotta be honest I didn't like it, that wasn't the last conversation I wanted to have with her, and it wasn't, but it stuck in my head.

Sadly I can't disgree with her, there's no doubt my many attempts at diets have failed miserably. And when I finally got home, I checked, 

Thats just silly... so... ok, once again I will make an attempt to get the weight off,  if for no other reason to wipe that comment from mum from my brain.
The sad death of Dr Micheal Mosley in Greece also made me remember the intermittent fasting regime he championed, so ..thats the way I will work. Low carb, low cals, more excercise and very restricted calories at the weekend (except when cooking dinner for guests)

Lets see if mums on my shoulder commenting on my belly as I go through this.


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