Monday 15 July 2013

86.8 Getting ready for the invasion

Well I've done all I can, Aircon system in the attic but not properly plumbed in.. I need to do a bit of fancy jigsaw work on the door to fit the exhaust pipes, but I'll try to do that tomorrow.

New bedding bought, new pillows bought, broken bed fixed, new chest of draws in place, borrowed TV arriving tomorrow, and most of the house cleaned up..though could do with a quick vacuum...I'll try to do that tomorrow.

Mum and Danni arrive 1st at 9.30, meaning I need to get an 8.00 train to be there in time..though I can still catch them if I get the 8-30 train.

Steph arrives later at 1pm so I'll take mum up to the cess pits of the dam for a couple of hours or maybe bring them back to Breda for a snooze as they will be up very early to make their trip.

I got sooooo  close to doing my recording, but just not quite there. It sounds brilliant though,  a bit of looping madness extravaganza, even with the fluffs, but want to post a perfect version only...probably will have to wait till the family leave now... oh well. I might try and play it for them....that will be fun :D

Better get to bed.


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