Wednesday 8 March 2017

I must be the unhealthiest man in Europe

A minor cold...not even a flu, certainly not manflu, it barely even gave me a runny nose and aside from a sexy croak to the voice it didn't bother me at all. I manly ignored it an carried on with my daily grind.

Of course now its ending, its big brother the chest infection has come along...with all the full might and fury of the last chest infection I had. 3 days so far of coughing getting worse and worse each evening...this evening being especially unpleasant.

WTF! how come I keep getting these...I've had to cancel a lecture tomorrow, no way I'd get through it as the sexy voice is now breaking up and the cough is pretty much constant.

I'm going straight to the docs this time though, there is no way I'm going through another 6 weeks of this crap.

He's giving me AB's and thats the end of the debate.


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