Friday 7 April 2017

Just keep coding, just keep coding

And take the odd break now and again to post nonsense on here while I try to remember if I already explained virtual functions in a previous chapter, oh  I did, ok better move that part.

I'm very tired, trying to work round the clock, only stopping to eat and drink, and then sleep.
its working out at 20hours or so work, 6-8 hours sleep, so I am rotating through nocturnal and diurnal (I looked that up), Progress is good though, but not sure its good enough. Still got a couple of big bits of code to write up, and the page count is not dropping much.

I did get it down as low as 850, but now I'm doing the bigger 3D games which need a lot of chatter to explain its crept back to 900+.. I've chopped things I don't really need to talk about too but so far its all still quite a lot of words..

who's idea was it to write a book!!!

oh shit yeah!


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