Sunday 15 September 2019

croak croak

Well its a bit of a self diagnosis but pretty sure its accurate, my voice is literally gone, only croaks and wheezes coming out... and it feels like I've been gargling razor blades for breakfast, lunch and dinner.All classic symptoms of laryngitis.  Lucky I don't actually have to say anything to anyone today, but I did want do a bit of recording with a nice cold deep voice (I actually sound a little better when I've just had a cold).... maybe tomorrow. but if I'm still croaking tomorrow I'll consider going to the docs...not that there's much they can do for cold related laryngitis.

Ironic really as over all this cold hasn't been too severe, just a bit of a runny nose and a slight sore throat, until last night when the razor gargling started.

Voice rest and a lot of paracetamol today, will hopefully pay dividends.


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