Thursday 31 October 2019

well some people don't change

Strangely had a run in with my ex wife on Facebook, didn't recognise her new surname and commented on a post she made on a mutual friends page...

Few minutes later I get pm'd with some right nasty shit, threats, abuse and basic bile. Thats when the penny dropped who she was.

Very very sad, very very pointless and very very fucked up. She has her own version of events, one in particular, with everything twisted to make me the devil incarnate....I have a very different recollection of the fear and stress living with a rapid cycling bipolar person brings....It really was a bad time, and I was relieved to get out of it... I hoped she'd find peace..maybe she has, but clearly still has a lot of hate in her baggage.
Anyway, after a few choice comments she blocked me... good, I don't really need her kind of hate in my life.
Dunno if she reads this, its not impossible... But if I never have any contact again with her I'll be more than happy.


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