Working from home is pretty neat, its hard though, really hard, lots of things to keep up, hard to prep stuff becuase of students asking for help and a sense of ....stress I think. but its ok
NL took another step toward full lockdown today, no gatherings above 3 people and possible fines for people not keeping 1.5m apart its serious now, then UK has also issued slightly more severe advice,
basically don't go out.
In other love life is taking a strange turn.
I've been dating a lovely lady for the last month or so, its early days but she's going to move in with me during the lock down, so I'm picking her up tomorrow. She house shares with a friend who's not taking the lock down seriously so she's stressed out. We're getting prepared for a very interesting getting to know each other phase while making every effort to stay safe. Under normal circumstances this is too soon, and god knows I'm wary of making another daft mistake, but, these are far from normal, so we'll see how this pans out, I might end up with another lodger in the spare room, but at least it will be someone to chat to in the evening.
I worry about my mum, she's a miserable auld bag though, which might actually save her life as no one wants to visit (joke mum)... but she's old, so so so old...........(you are)... and not in good health so I worry, but she's pretty good at isolating herself and should be able to cope better than most with the lockdown.
Interesting times for us all, my students are also stressed out, some of them are far from home and unable to go home, we need to try to help them stay on track and get through this..
Stay safe eveyone, stay home, for fuck stack stay home