Sunday 2 August 2020

And... its diet time again

I loved having a fish supper back in Scotland, and a black pudding supper the next night, stunning lovely comfort food, but of coruse fattening.. there were some mirrors in my room, and I seem to be about 22 months pregnant.....

so yes, again....its diet time. I have sat Jirawan down, and told her, that not too much, has to be redefined, to not too many calories, and that a mound of veggies and noodles is indeed too much.. We're going lo carb, and much smaller portions and more excerise (she likes that bit, we walk most nights, and she likes cycling)

She kinda gets it though, she also wants to lose a few pounds.
Her cooking is so tasty its going to be hard to resist, but she cooks for 5, and then eats very little herself, I have to resist.

No point in doing the running score  but lets be honest I've been hovering round 100kg for a few months now so hopefully each week we'll see a kilo or 2 dropping down.


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