Monday 24 August 2020

And you're back in the room.

Kinda, we're all back to work, though am still stuck in my home office as there's not really a need to go to the school office. Our instructions are to only go when we have to.

Strange kind of day, but hey ho, we have to work through it even though Im more than a tad hunover after a before work socially distanced BBQ with Martin and Dave W, and Sally and Maria. I overdid the vino a bit and paid for it most of the night. So today am suffering from lack of sleep and a need to stay near the loo.

Also I now have another new K-ring after my last one (itself a replacment) just stopped working during my trip to the UK,  Hopefully it won't give me any issues again, as I really like this gadget for paying for things, as it means I don't need my wallet. NL is pretty much a cashless place now, everyone uses some form of contactless, either via their phones or smart watches or just their standard bank cards.  And in my case my K-ring.

Currently installing latest software needed for remote working and file sharing, and its just done, so better get back to work.


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