Sunday 25 August 2019

Back to school

I didn't want to go, but I had to...its my job..

But the 1st 2 weeks are always deadly boring, dull, full of meetings, panic planning and reviews... I'm not overly worried though ,we know what we are trying to deliver and I just have to make sure my lesson plans are in order.

Students arrive on the 2nd Sept, and things get a bit more regular and routine then as we get to know them and settle into a familiar routine, of screaming, crying, bewlierment and frustration.. for me at least, not sure about the students.

I've been doing a unity gig for a few months now, in anger, ..and that is well ment, god I hate this.. I loathe engines and their obession with doing things their way.. Im trying to write a simulator for a veehicle systm, thats not a typical vehicle, and the physics needs to be stomped on so much... But the project is coming along and at least I can say I now understand the latest version of Unity much better than I did before. It has been quite a few years since I did much with Unity, probably version 2 or 3 and it has moved up a lot. We only really use Unity for a few school projects these days, we seem to prefer UE4, but 1st years do some Unity, and I suppose I'll get assigned to help them..ugg..

House is still clean and tidy I am happy to report, didn't get time to decorate though, and still have to squeeze in a weekend to the UK while I can..waiting to see if I win an appeal against a fine for running a red light, which I am sure I didn't... If I do, then I can afford a flight, if not.. have to postpone.


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