Wednesday 7 August 2019


21st century geek issue... can't get the new PC to drive the projector, and 3 monitors and an oculus

I guess it was asking too much.. but maybe if I can hook up the 1050's spare display port, rather than the onboards 2nd DVI,  to the projector it might work...adapter ordered... We'll see.

Its not really an issue though, I am unlikely to want to play games on the projector, or make presentations up there, and I am genuinly delighted with the new PC. Never thought I'd be this happy with a new system; there is always a lot of, where is that app gone or why wont this work now when I change work laptops.
Sure, I am only using it for 1 specific thing at the moment, even then I am still using my dev PC for most other things...but I find myself quite enjoying working up stairs.. I may indeed make the full move..we'll see.

Weight loss progresses well, I've now lost 7.2 kg, which is more than a stone... At least 20kg to go though, I checked my BMI and as expected I am considered very overweight. A short skinny runt like me should be around 70kg, not 99.2kg as I was. Still sticking well to the 1 (or 2 very) low cal meal a day. The odd cheat if I am out, but the loss is continuing at a steady 200-400g a day.  I'm looking forward to seeing 89.99kg in a week or so.. The dog's less keen on the long late night walks, but they are part of it.


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