Saturday 9 November 2019

oh Android... you really are a pain.

Having to do some Android stuff for work, getting myself fully up to speed with VR systems and learning Unity....

Basically 3 of the things I really hate most..  VR makes me sick, Unity makes me angry, and Android leaves me comatose

Anyway, have to do it I need to expand my abilities on these platforms so I can teach them a little better and be more in tune with students who are using them

I've been working on a VR project for a couple of months in Unity, it was a slow starter as I just didn't get some of the madness of the latest versions of Unity right, but it sped up and my project is basically over now. Leading to me doing more VR research on Oculus Go and Quest

Now I must admit, as much as I hate VR, I am finding those 2 wireless units much more fun to use... but much less fun to code, Android coding is still painful and on Unity its painfully slow. But the result is somehow much nicer, smaller fun games, my personal fav and once you get projects developed using a rift with far better debugging and build speeds, its got potential for some fun games.

Maybe when I clear the decks a little of other things I'll do something on them.

Pleased to say that my ColecVision project is finally(yes finally) nearing an end. I hit a total wall on it for various reasons, and was advised to bring someone in to help, I resisted for so long but finally I had to admit I just wasn't able to get it over the line, so welcomed Allard to the now 2 man team.. well, he helped, he fixed the thing I've been stuck on for over  year....over a bloody year... in 1 week.

Fresh eyes.... I shouldn't have been so stubborn to finish it myself, but I couldn't progress and my motivation levels crashed, added to personal upsets and stress I just couldn't get my head round how to finish it.. But now, happily Allard, has come in and like a white knight fixed all the stuff I broke, or couldn't get working  so I can finally put this little bitch of a project away in the next week. That then leaves me with time me to update my SBC software in the light of the new Pi4 issues..

Then...maybe, I'll have time to write a cool VR project for myself....or maybe have a bath...a long long bath.


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