Sunday 24 November 2019

Very tired of people.

More specifically people on the internet. Its staggering how people become entrenched and sit in echo chambers to avoid their own cognative dissonance.

There's lots of good reasons to vote for or against a party, but rather than actually examine them they vote with their tribes. But not just that, conspiracy theories, false beliefs and lies are so easy to spread its almost painful to watch. When just once person posts a nonsense link to a psuedoscience website and gets another person to agree, the lie is spread...anti vaxxers are born, flat earthers find others who are as stupid as they are and the band wagon rolls.

A truely great example is the current crucificixon of Prince Andrew... who is clearly guilty of...everything, becuase he was called Randy Andy, and was friends with a paedo.

Well sorry but, regardless of the mans moral standards, or lack of them, or feelings for his old friend, there is 0 proof he has done anything wrong apart from hang out with another multi-millionaire friend, living a multi-millionaire lifestyle. But once that bandwagon starts the utterly crazy links like being called Randy, like being in New York, like being at a party getting photographed......its fucked up...but the harm is done. Guilty by association is all the proof people need.

Same for politics, The whole Corbyn is an anti semite is blatently a smear campaign, because of his frequent condemnation of Israel, which allows a lot of right wing groups to push that bandwagon on its way...taking supposedly clever people along with them to push it along with no evidence but a shit load of coincidence and association, he once had dinner with a muslim.....clearly he hates all jews and wants them dead.....I genuinely have read that and worse from some people.

And then the whole get brexit done...people are actually willing to vote for one of the most corrupt, incompetant PM's the UK has ever seen, so that he will somehow, manage to force through a legislation that will cripple the UK's economy for decades, while lining his and his mates pockets....and thats a good thing?? Cos...we're all fed up with it? Lets just book flights to Jonestown and be done with it.

fucking hell, how can people be so gullable and unwilling to actully do any kind of rational research to realise they are being manipulated, lied to, coerced....
And lets not ever get started on the Religious nutters..

The internet has truely made the world a wide open place, but sadly people only want to live in their own little corners fueling their ignorance instead of expanding their minds..

I'm really considering dropping out of all social media, I don't think I can contain my anger at some of the shite I read.


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