Thursday 5 March 2009

Mark this day

Today 2 great things happened

1 The Watchmen movie came I have not been to see it yet...but I will soon

2. Bina got the job at NHTV :)

I'll soon have my ..oh no wait 3, 3 great things happened today

1 The Watchmen movie came I have not been to see it yet...but I will soon

2. Bina got the job at NHTV :)

3. Jodies dad got a bill for the mobile phone he gave her with its fairly heavy price plan and 100's of free talk and text minutes....

You can tell I want to big this up don't you?

Maybe I should make that the top thing?

£636 yep £636 quid.....The moral is of course fairly obvious...Do not give a teen with a recently discovered and fairly unhealthy interested in the opposite sex free unlimited access to a pound munching communication device.

Hmm think so? Oh...oh might be right!

3 great things happened

Something wonderful happened today!

Bina got the job at NHTV :)

I am simply overjoyed that we'll soon all be together again...sniff

(think she'll notice? No? No I think I got away with that.)


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