Monday 15 July 2024


Its Monday, and I got to sleep-in for the 1st time in months. I now have 5 weeks of lovely summer holidays... well lovely when it stops raining.(looks outside,, hmm its trying to be sunny..maybe)

That means I have a lot of jobs to do that have been put off at least a year

A chance to sort out my studio, the big sell off needs to get started, by first making sure the studio is clean and set up. My old PC is up there and not doing much, so will get it prepped and maybe upgraded a little to use it as a back up machine., though I also have my brothers old Dell I3 Laptop which I upgraded a bit, and its now a fine little emergency machine.

If I get time the walls that were put up 14 years ago to block off the studio are still bare chipboard... might be time to put a bit of woodchip and paint on there. Will review when the studio is cleared out a bit.
Set up sales videos for all my extra sound and music gear, put ads on marktplats (Dutch local sales)

Clean up my little office, even though I have the studio, I like to code in my little office, but its damn untidy, there's a health hazard notice on the door... need to get at it, and also retire some of the older books on my big bookshelf so I can add some new ones..

Give the Bathroom a damn good clean, get the limecale off the shower and clean up a bit of black mold caused by the lack of working extracter and that old shower leak from a few years ago... I've now put a small extractor in there and its doing a fine job, so a bit of bleaching to tidy it up it will stay nice an bright.
That extractor issue does need to be fixed though, we had an electrician come a few years ago to resolve our fuses constantly blowing and he hardwired the extractor which seemed to be the cause , but I unplugged it not considering the impact on the bathroom.. I have it on now always, but I should get the place rewired.. The shorting was probably due to that shower leak now fixed and dried up... so a rewire will be a good plan... but pricey.

Clear the shed, and set up a list of sales for the hundreds of now quite old model kits in there that I had planned to build when I retire, but not an option now, so sell, probably quite valuable, we'll see, might pay for the rewire.

Clear out all my old SBC's. I got dozens of old OpenGLES2.0 based units, they're pretty pointless now for my coding purposes,  but people might want to pay 5 euros for them to drive an old project. I'm only doing OpenGLES.3.1 ane above now... so will keep the 5 or so units that can do that amd a rasp 3 for nostalgia. That won't provide much more than a nice meal for Jirawan and a salad for me.

Take a load of stuff to the local waste disposal, old beds, chairs and soooo many big boxes from appliances bought years ago... stuffed in shed (just in case) Also arrange for pick up for the bigger items..

Clean up the bike and take her out for a few runs, poor thing has been a bit neglected this summer, what with being in the UK for a month, and the actual weather not being up to snuff.. I am sadly going to say goodbye to her in the Autumn, vintage bikes are cool and it was great to finally own a Shadow, but I'll get a smaller more servicable bike to get around or just put the funds into the pension pot. Someone else can get some joy out of owning a vintage shadow.

Re-install the SolarPanels on the roof, not that there's been a lot of sun, but lets sort it, they blew off the roof a couple of years ago in a big storm, and have been stored in  the studio since, so going to rebuild the frame and put a few paving stones up on the roof to cement the frame to and keep it locked no matter how strong the wind is.

In the Garden our old Decking has decayed to an unsafe level, so going to lift that all up and either lay down grass or paving. Jirawan seems to have burned out her gardening hobby, so probably paving. That's quite a big job and I need a skip to take the crap away. (might kill a few birds with one stone there.

Theres a couple of bigger expensive jobs too, that really need a tradesman, we do want to redo the kitchen, it won't get done this year though as its going to cost too much and we're saving like crazy, but I'll cost out a few things and see if there's a way to get it done cheap.

Phew... holidays will be so relaxing, ......but at least I'll be thinner at the end of it :D

99.1kg today... getting quite used to being hungry but not eating, and 200-300g a day drop on the weekends with 50-100g on weekdays will soon see me looking like the Adonis I am under the flabby bits.


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