Got some feedback from my asignment, favourable but with requests to make some ammendments and additions, which is fine. I probably will not graduate tomorrow, but that means I get a month to fix the problems and resubmit which will be a lot better over all as I have much less teaching to do next block compared to this.
I'll know for sure tomorrow.
Might now finally get a chance to finish my guitar vault and start storing things in their correct places.
I got to spend 30 mins at last with my new toy and I am really liking my EX7 it has some quite remarkable tones in it, especially the Leslie speaker emulation, which gives a warmth and richness to my playing I've not been able to get before..becuase I don't have Leslie speakers of course and am never likely to considering the cost and size of them.

I decided to get a 2nd one to take with me to band practice, since I really don't like taking pedals out of my home board and carting them around, managed to pick up a barely used one half price on ebay (pic above) even allowing for postage costs, its a heavy item, I still saved a lot on a back up that I will keep in my bag and let my home one stay on the board at all times.
The band are now resolved to do more regular practice, and we've settled on a core of 6 songs to get right before adding more, a mix, of pop, rock, blues and r&b numbers..lets hope we manage to do decent versions of them all. I'm comfortable with most of them except Foo Fighters Monkey Wrench with is a banging tune played very fast, not my usual style at all, fortunaly I just need to play 4 of 5 chords over and over again as the rythm guitar, Martin as lead can do the riffs.
Oh and in other news I got an ok to be away from Breda in July to attend another Creative Vacance guitar course, this time blues guitar, so I'm really looking forward to that, I improved so much in my acoustic playing after the last one and am hoping there will be a similar improvement in my electric playing this time. I'll get the travel arranged in advance to save costs...assuming there is a saving when you book train fares...I drove last time, which was fine, but it was a long and expensive trip once toll's were factored in. Train this time, relaxing and a chance to do any final work related stuff as I travel....few months off though.
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