Thursday 24 July 2008

Last Day in the UK

Well not strictly true, but it is my last full day in the UK. I leave at 6.55am tomorrow to start a new life in The Netherlands, (I have to stop calling it Holland apparently).

Because the bank was slow transferring money to my account (it hit this morning) I've had to leave some things till the last minute so I'll be rushing around a fair bit today and probably won't be able to post for a while till I get over there and find a hot spot to hook up to. My Flat's internet won't be online for a week or 2 I'm am I going to live without the internet....easy I'll be too busy decorating.

I have to say I'm feeling all kinds of mixed emotions about this, on one hand great excitement, on the other a degree of trepidation as I leave everything behind me, including my refound partner, I hope the distance won't be too much of a strain on our new fledgling relationship, but I feel it will work despite that, we've lost and learned so much and gained so much back, we'll work it out.

I said goodbye to my mum on Wednesday, gave her a big hug, which was kinda nice and sad. She's looking forward to coming over to Holland soon to visit me though...even more so when she realised I'd buy the tickets (tut).
I never got the chance to say bye to my middle Brother and his family, though we don't actually see each other much as I'm a useless brother/uncle and seldom make the effort, I would have like to have seen them before I went, but if they are reading this...ermm seeya bro, I'll try to make more effort when I pop over to go see you and the brood. My youngest brother in Scotland I don't get to see very often, but he knows I love him for being a nutter, hope he can pop over to the Netherlands soon, he'll love it there.

This is an opportunity I have to take on a personal and professional level. I've become weary of the constant rat race here, the need to chase work constantly and having had a project canned recently the insecurity of freelancing gets scarier as I move into my grey haired flatulent years.
I haven't really got a clue what I'm going to do when I get over there, aside from the immediate plan to sand down the walls and try giving them a coupe of coats of paint before deciding if I need to wallpaper. I'll have to just play it by ear.

I've got my big case all packed up, its just under the alowed 17Kg, assuming my crappy Tesco bathroom scales are accurate, and my overhead locker case is stuffed with undies and socks and hopefully will be enough to keep me clean and smelling fresh till I can sort out a washing machine(or find a laundrette)

So...I better crack on, if I get a chance I'll post an update tonight or tomorrow, and also let you know the situation with out QA friend.


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