Sunday 17 June 2012

90.1 losing seems to be a habit

not surpised at popping back over 90, had nibbles galore at Peter and Liz's during poker, (I lost again quite quickly but declinded a buy in), but enjoyed the evening as always...So maybe I'll have to have 2 normal days :D

Back to fish and rice for tea tonight, but I will take mums advice and get some all bran to improve the fibre content.

Clearing up the last of my marking in anticipation of the deluge which is due this week.

Bina's things seem to be accumulating in various areas of the house as she packs them up ready to ship out, its all very tense as we studiously avoid each other beyond discusion of essential details.

I hate this situation but its something that has to be done. Next month at least there's the summer holidays which will give me a chance to mope about and take stock of things and get the place in order for me on my own. Hoping Danni will pop over too (hint hint)

Transferring the mortgage next week as well other issues with the council and tax, so hopefully there will be no massive finanical shocks apart from the clear and obvious con that is the Notaris fees, essentially a type of dutch lawyer who specialises in contracts and house conveyencing..they charge a fortune for the most minor of details but thats just the way things are done here.

One good thing is I'm not going to be here when this mass of boxes and bags finally ships out, I'll be in France, hopefully keeping my mind on the guitar lessons.

I've avoided saying much about the break up on here....mainly because I don't want to deal with any more hassle. I will try to maintain that...Its not the time to be blaming and looking back, its time to look forward.


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